About Gwenne & G.E.M
I'm Gwenne and I'm also now G.E.M & You! I thought it best to start by telling you a little about myself and how I came to start G.E.M & You. I began my journey at an Uncle's wedding when I was aged 9, it was in a Buddhist Temple in London. I vividly remember the setting, peaceful, serene and beautiful. I remember listening and watching the ceremony, and enjoying experiencing something different and unique. I remember receiving my first set of Oracle cards shortly after from my Uncle's wife - which I still have. After this, I was fascinated by crystals, elementals and planetary phenomenons - which have remained a passion ever since. A few years later my Uncle remarried, this time it was a Hindu ceremony and as an inquisitive teenager, I remember being enthralled once again by the differences in alternative cultures and beliefs and loved the positive energy this gave to me. I then began my lifelong career as a Registered Learning Disability Nurse. From the start I realised I had a passion for the rights of people with disabilities, ensuring they are wholeheartedly upheld to make life fairer and more equal for everyone, I see the uniqueness in each individual I work with. Over the years my experience and knowledge in the field of Autism has offered me a wide range of roles all around the country, I have been Chair and Co-Chair of CoSPPA (The Coalition of Senior Professionals working with People with Autism) since first becoming involved with the organisation in 1996. I have also been a nominated finalist for an NAS Lifetime Achievement Award (National Autistic Society), which I am incredibly proud of, yet humbled to have been considered. Towards the end of 2019 a significant event happened in my life which forced me to focus on justice, positive outcomes and belief in oneself. I honestly believe that if I had not had the support of close friends and my family as well as my spiritual beliefs I wouldn't be here today. I learnt that my beliefs in truth, positivity and spiritual guidance heightened me to a position of believing and trusting in myself, by using my intuition to travel my path with my own uniqueness - And now I'll help others to feel and do the same through G.E.M & You. |
G.E.M & You
Now you know about me, let me tell you a little about where the name G.E.M & You comes from. The are several reasons, both intuitive and personal, why the name G.E.M & You is special to me. 💚 When I came into this world I was given the name Gwenne Elizabeth Martin (G.E.M). 💚 I have a lifelong passion for crystals and all things provided by nature, and their healing properties. 💚 I received my first set of oracle cards at the age of 9, and have always loved empowering others with my readings. 💚 I've worked for many years in the world of Autism, embracing the uniqueness of each person and family I have met and supported. The second two points really made me feel I had to include the term '& You' in the business name, It's not just all about 'G.E.M' this includes everyone else too. G.E.M & You will offer a wide range of intuitive therapies and holistic healing, for both you and your animals. These therapies include Crystal, Reiki and Parashial Balm techniques, given as either face to face or distance healing - or a mixture of both. I'll also provide Oracle & Tarot card readings, which offer guidance & clarity on life events. G.E.M & You will also deliver advocacy, advice & support and workshops for anyone interested in exploring the world of autism. I seek to empower individuals either intuitively or practically, so that together we can nurture their individuality and embrace the uniqueness of each person. |